The road to success is paved with failure/good intentions/hard work/[insert whatever noun takes your fancy].
It’s something I have learned the hard way.
Hi, my name is Ian and my dream is to be a children’s author. The problem? It hasn’t quite worked out so far.
I began writing at the age of fifteen and now, as I trundle on towards my thirtieth birthday (eep!), I have never felt so close yet so far away from achieving my goal. My writing is better, the plots are tighter, the narrative more fluid. I feel like I have found my voice but still the rejection emails continue to pile up. Is it down to my writing? My first chapters? My cover letter? My synopsis? My lack of a social media presence?
There are thousands of questions and precious few answers. I have started The Author Enigma to share my writing journey. It will chronicle everything from writing to submission to (fingers crossed) my success at obtaining an agent and publishing deal. But more than just my journey, I want it to act as a resource to help other aspiring authors.
I want The Author Enigma to be the type of resource fifteen-year-old me needed when I first started writing. A reliable database filled with valuable information to help me on my quest. Something to not only shine a light on the industry and highlight its workings, but also something to inspire and encourage.
Writing isn’t easy. It’s a tough road. And for some it’s a long road. Let’s journey it together.