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Anisha, Accidental Detective Book Review

Anisha, Accidental Detective Book Cover

Title: Anisha, Accidental Detective

Author: Serena Patel

Age Range: 7+

Publisher: Usborne

Published: 2020

Anisha, Accidental Detective follows the adventures of Anisha and her best friend and animal whisperer, Milo. It’s Anisha’s Aunt Bindy’s wedding and there’s a lot of excitement, hustle, bustle and no shortage of chaos. The wrong flowers are being delivered, zits are growing on noses and, oh yeah, Anisha receives a letter saying that the groom, her Uncle Tony, has been kidnapped! The only demand is that Anisha gets the wedding cancelled and Tony will be returned safely.

Anisha immediately kicks into detective mode, following the clues and coming up with suspects and theories. That’s when she’s hit by her biggest realisation. Whoever is doing this is INSIDE the house. It’s one of her family!

But who?

It’s up to Anisha to save Uncle Tony, the wedding and the day!

Anisha, Accidental Detective is a great read with plenty of humorous, relatable characters and funny situations. It explores themes of family, friendship and has an underrepresented character as protagonist with Anisha coming from a British-Indian family. It will no doubt be universally liked by boys, girls and adults alike.

Favourite Bits:

  • Milo and his animal whisperings, especially with Larry the Lobster

  • Granny Jas – coolest character in the book!

Overall Rating: 9 dodgy Elvis impersonations


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